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Details /custacc/dda

/custacc/dda - PPP - Customer Account - Direct Debit Authorization (DDA) - [Default template]
PPP INT target endpoint:
PPP E2E/KIT target endpoint:

Response ID Description Request-Include Template Model Content-Type Encoding
dummy [parse] [view] dummy
  • POST: getCustomerAccountsForParty
  • POST: 106995567
application/xml utf-8
100accounts [parse] [view] customer with 100 accounts
  • POST: getCustomerAccountsForParty
  • POST: 100100100
application/xml utf-8
MobileAndFixednet [parse] [view] customer with ban/ben and vk
  • POST: getCustomerAccountsForParty
  • POST: 104108969
application/xml utf-8
MobileAndFixednet300010645 [parse] [view] customer with ban/ben and vk
  • POST: getCustomerAccountsForParty
  • POST: 300010645
application/xml utf-8
MobileandFixednet300010345 [parse] [view] customer with ban/ben and vk
  • POST: getCustomerAccountsForParty
  • POST: 300010345
application/xml utf-8
FixednetBillingArrangement [parse] [view] Fixednet BillingArrangement
  • POST: getBillingArrangementsForAccount
  • POST: 200003917438
application/xml utf-8
MobileBillingArrangement [parse] [view] Mobile BillingArrangement
  • POST: getBillingArrangementsForAccount
  • POST: 102950502
application/xml utf-8
bobMarketCustomer [parse] [view] bob market customer
  • POST: getBillingArrangementsForAccount
  • POST: 516773392
application/xml utf-8